Betrayed by Trust Page 11
Blake opened up the door. “Sam, thanks for checking on me. As you can tell, I’m just fine.” He pushed her out the door as she protested and closed it.
Caitlyn laughed. “I have to give it to her. She doesn’t give up.”
“She should. I have who I want,” he said, as he wrapped his arms around her. Blake kissed her, lifting her off her feet.
She pulled away. “Blake, we shouldn’t do that again. It’s making things complicated,” she stuttered.
“Do you want me Caitlyn?” The fire beamed through Blake’s eyes.
“Blake. Let’s not.”
Blake didn’t wait for her to complete her sentence. He pulled her back towards him and this time, his tongue invaded her mouth and Caitlyn temporarily relinquished control. The kiss ended. Caitlyn wiped the lipstick from Blake’s mouth with her fingers and answered Blake’s original question. “Yes. Yes, Blake Banks I want you.”
Chapter 26
Life for Caitlyn could be described in one word – hectic. Between trying to prove she deserved her promotion to working with the wedding coordinator for her upcoming wedding, she barely had time to breathe. She had just hung up the phone with Bridget and was on her way out the door when Tasha walked in.
“Where are you headed?” Tasha asked.
“I’m meeting Bridget at Club Royale. I don’t feel like going, but she insisted I come.”
“Count me in.” Tasha decided to invite herself along.
“I’ll be ready in a few minutes. I need to log my computer off.”
A few minutes later, they were in the parking garage. “I’ll follow you to your place and then we can drive over together,” Tasha stated.
“Sounds like a plan to me.”
An hour later, they were pulling up in the parking lot of Club Royale. There were quite a few cars. Tasha opted to use valet. “I don’t feel like walking in these shoes,” Tasha said, as the valet opened up their doors.
“I’m looking for Bridget Toliver’s table,” Caitlyn told the person working at the door.
“Right this way.”
The music boomed through the place. “Girl, all the staff are men.” Tasha observed.
“And good looking to boot,” Caitlyn responded.
The worker opened the door and Caitlyn jumped as the crowd yelled, “Surprise.”
Bridget stood in the center. “We couldn’t let you get married without a party.”
Caitlyn stood in shock. She knew Bridget wasn’t fully supportive of her upcoming marriage, so for her to throw a party meant a lot. Tasha pulled her in toward the crowd of women. “Come on. You know how we do.”
Bridget placed a tiara on her head. She hugged her. “I know this might not be your last marriage, but it is your first, and I want you to have some good memories.”
Caitlyn wiped her eyes. “You’re going to make me cry. I can’t believe you have me crying.”
Tasha pulled them apart. “Let’s party.”
Caitlyn mouthed the words thank you and got led into the center of the room. She sat in the decorated chair and looked around. Several of her friends and a few relatives adorned the room.
Bridget yelled to get everyone’s attention. “We would normally play some games but since this isn’t a normal party, we wanted to get right to the action.”
Tasha added, “Yes. And first up is Fire Marshall Thor. Come on and put out my fire."
A noise sounding like thunder erupted and Caitlyn mouth watered at the sight of the six feet buffed man with short blond hair making his way towards her chair. “Are you the one getting married?” he asked, as he gyrated his body in front of her.
She didn’t have to answer because Tasha said, “Yes” for her.
Caitlyn sat back and enjoyed the show as several other dancers made their way into the room. The crowd was pumped up throwing dollars everywhere. In between watching the dancers and eating, Caitlyn enjoyed herself.
She went up to Bridget and hugged her. “Thanks for the party. It’s been wild.”
“Only the best for you baby girl.” She held up her glass of soda and handed her a glass. Their glasses clicked.
Tasha yelled from across the room. “Okay, everyone it’s time to open up the presents.”
Two hours later, Tasha and some others were loading her presents in Tasha's car. “You could have told me what Bridget was planning,” Caitlyn said, as they drove to her place.
“And have your sister beat me. I don’t think so.”
They both laughed.
Tasha helped her carry the things to her apartment. Once she had left, Caitlyn took the time to let the night’s event soak in.
“I’m getting married,” she said, as she went through the gifts again. She had plenty of sexy lingerie. “Too bad I won’t be using it.” She held up a see through red one piece. “Then again, I just might.”
She closed her eyes and imagined wearing it. She imagined Blake’s response. How he would drool and couldn’t resist taking it off her. How he would slide it off her shoulders and kiss her neck. How his lips would trail up her thighs. She blinked her eyes a few times bringing her back to reality. She folded the lingerie and put it back in the box. She picked up the edible body paint and read the ingredients on the jar. She forced herself not to go back into her fantasy world.
One of her rules was no sex, but she didn’t know how long it would be before she broke it. Her original plan seemed to be lost in the wind. Her feelings for Blake had her caught up in her own web of deceit. Her need for Blake’s love overshadowed the need for revenge. She had decisions to make. Maybe, she was crazy for going along with Blake to save his company. Who was going to save her from the heartache if things didn’t work out when the year was up and they had to go their separate ways?
Chapter 27
“Man, I can’t believe I let you talk me into coming here,” Blake said, as he walked in to a local strip club with Trent.
“This is your last weekend of freedom, so I thought I would treat you. Don’t know when we’ll get to hang out again.”
A few half naked women danced near them. Conversation seized between them as they watched the display. “What were you saying?” Blake asked.
“How I’m glad I’m not giving up my single life.” Trent pulled out some money and placed it in some of the ladies thongs.
Some mutual friends of Blake and Trent showed up and they partied until the break of dawn. Blake’s head felt the full effect of his night of drinking the next morning. He staggered to his medicine cabinet and located some ibuprofen. He took a few and gulped down some water. He did a double take as he saw his reflection in the mirror. His bloodshot eyes stared back at him.
The phone rang. He jumped. The noise seemed a little too loud. “Coming,” he yelled out as he stumbled towards the phone.
“Open up your front door,” Caitlyn said, from the other end of the phone.
“Today’s not a good day,” Blake responded.
“I’m outside your door, now open up,” she yelled.
He pulled the phone away from his ear. He found his shades and put them on. She looked radiant on the other side of the door wearing a tight pair of jeans and bright yellow shirt and holding a few bags. “What are you doing here?”
“We have a few things to go over before next week.”
“I forgot. Sorry. I had a long night.”
“I can tell.” She fanned in front of her nose. “You might want to go take a bath and what’s with those shades.” She reached up and removed them. The sight of his blood shot eyes made her say, “Ugh. Put them back on.”
“My boys had somewhat of a bachelor party for me.”
“Ewww. You definitely need to take a shower. Are the exotic dancers still here?” She walked past him as if she was looking for someone.
“I’m saving myself for you,” he said, as he wrapped his arm around her waist.
She pulled away. “Get a bath and a toothbrush and I might kiss you.”
Blake took her advi
ce. About forty-five minutes later he returned back downstairs. She had a table of food spread out on the dining room table. “Smells good in here,” he said, as he took a seat.
“I’m almost through making the salad and then we can eat.”
“So what did you do this weekend?”
“Oh nothing. Got together with my sister and some friends on Friday night.”
“Any male dancers involved?” he was curious. He didn’t want his woman. Yes, he thought of Caitlyn as his woman, around half naked men.
“If you disclose what happened at your little boys get together, then I will tell you about mine,” she said, as she placed salad on two plates.
“That’s not fair.”
She winked at him. “I can tell you this, I got a lot of sexy lingerie.”
He licked his lips. “I can’t wait to see you model them for me.”
“Keep dreaming baby. I plan on taking those things back and exchanging them for something else.”
“See that’s not fair. Those women spent their hard earned money trying to find something to please me and you’re going to take it back.”
She sat down across from him. “There is this one outfit I think you would absolutely love.”
“Describe it to me.”
“It’s see through.”
“Love it already.”
“I haven’t finished.”
“I can’t get past the see through. You and see through. Somebody pass me some water, because it’s hot in here.”
“You’re so silly.”
“You bring it out of me.”
Caitlyn and Blake took turns passing each other dishes as they piled food on their plates. They barely talked, until Caitlyn asked, “When can I start moving my stuff in?”
Blake looked up from his plate and answered, “Anytime. Just let me know when you’re ready to have the movers come by to pick up your stuff.”
“I need to decide what’s coming and what stuff I’ll be giving away, so the first of next week should be fine.”
“I’ll get Joan on it.”
They ate in silence. Caitlyn broke the silence by saying, “I would like to re-decorate. I will be the lady of the house and I feel it should reflect my tastes.”
“Some things belonged to my parents or my uncle, so before you go getting rid of things, you’ll need to consult me.”
“That’s fair.”
“What? No attitude. No objections.”
She tilted her head before responding, “I’m not all bad.”
He laughed. “Baby, I’m just kidding. Calm down.”
“I’ll be calm once this wedding is over with. We should have just eloped to Vegas or gone to a justice of the peace.”
Blake disagreed. “I’ve always wanted a wedding so we might as well do it up.”
“I’ve wanted a big wedding too, but this is different.” Caitlyn frowned.
Blake put his fork down and reached his hand across the table and placed it on top of Caitlyn’s. He looked her directly in the eyes without blinking. “I hope by now you know I care about you.”
Caitlyn looked away. “Blake, you don’t have to pretend. It’s just the two of us.”
“This may have started off as a business deal, but it’s more than that to me.”
“I wished I could be sure of that.”
“You can be. All you have to do is trust me.”
Caitlyn laughed. “Blake, let me tell you a little about my history. Something you didn’t find out in your background check.”
“You had to bring that up again didn’t you?”
Caitlyn took a sip from her glass. “My track record with men isn’t too good. You know about Charles and how that turned out. Let me go back to the first time I got my feel of men lying. I met this guy in college who I thought I was going to marry.”
“You’ve been engaged before?” Blake seemed to hold his breath waiting for her answer.
“No, we weren’t engaged, but I thought we were in love.”
“I can’t say I’m sorry it didn’t work out.”
Caitlyn rolled her eyes. “Anyway. I caught him in bed with this other girl and since then, it’s been hard for me to trust men.”
“So besides this guy and Charles, you haven’t dated much?”
“No, that’s not it. I’ve had my share of dates. I’m just cautious on who I let into my heart.”
“So do you think you could ever let yourself fall in love with me?”
Caitlyn didn’t answer. “Maybe. Maybe not.”
Blake tried to assure her. “I’m not like those other men.”
“That remains to be seen,” Caitlyn responded.
“Cat, you can trust me. I’m not your enemy.”
She looked him directly in the eyes for a few seconds before responding. “Most men have hidden agendas, but at least yours is all out on the table right?”
Blake stared back without flinching. “I know you care but I’m patient. Time is all I have.”
Chapter 28
“It’s not too late to change your mind,” Bridget said as she helped Caitlyn put on her veil.
Caitlyn turned to face her. “I have a confession to make. Please don’t be upset with me but I think I’m in love.”
“I knew it. You’ve fallen in love with him.”
Caitlyn’s eyes watered. “I’ve tried not to, but he’s been so sweet to me. We’ve been spending a lot of time together.” She went on and on trying to justify her feelings.
Bridget placed her arm around her. “Call it off. He’ll only break your heart. At least you’ll have your dignity.”
She pulled herself together. “No. If I’m going to end up with a broken heart I might as well get some money out of it. Leave me alone for a minute. I’ll be all right.”
Bridget stood up and looked at Caitlyn. She adjusted the straps on her violet dress. “You are so pigheaded,” she said, before leaving the room.
As soon as she knew Bridget was out of the room, Caitlyn retrieved her cell phone. “You sure you want to do this. You haven’t found some loophole, have you?” she blurted.
Blake responded, “We’re doing this. In less than an hour, you will be my wife.”
“Last chance.”
“Caitlyn, get off this phone. Finish getting ready and I’ll see you at the end of the aisle.”
She hung up the phone. A part of her felt disappointed. But what did she expect? Did she really think he would confess his undying love? Tears flowed from her eyes and she couldn’t stop crying.
Tasha burst in the room wearing a knee length violet dress. “Girl, it’s standing room only out there.”
Caitlyn used the tissue to wipe her face. Tasha rushed to her side. “Don’t cry. I mean you guys are rushing it, but I don’t blame you.” She handed Caitlyn another tissue. “I wish I had the kind of love you two have. This whole whirlwind romance brings tears to my eyes. I’m jealous.”
Tasha's long rant gave Caitlyn time to pull herself together. “I’m fine. It’s just last minute jitters.”
The wedding coordinator entered. “Ms. Crenshaw. This will be the last time I call you that,” she joked. “Everyone’s waiting. Ms. Tasha, we’re waiting for you too.”
Tasha hugged Caitlyn and left the room. Caitlyn stood up and walked in front of the long mirror. She lucked out on finding this dress, especially since she had less than six weeks to find it. The local designer made making her dress a priority when she learned she was marrying the CEO of Banks Telecom. The ivory sheath style satin gown with a fish tail and slight slit in the back had a short train. She admired the hand sown pearls that adorned the diamond shape neckline and French lace sleeves. She touched the matching veil one last time and waited.
Bradford knocked on the door before entering. He wore a black tuxedo with a violet vest to match her wedding colors. He hugged and kissed her on the cheek. “You look beautiful.”
“Don’t start. You’ll make me mess up my make-up.”
He le
d her out of the room. He said, as they walked, “He doesn’t deserve you.”
“Now is not the time.”
“I just don’t want you to make a big mistake.”
“It’s too late.”
“No, it’s not. I can go in there and tell them you changed your mind.”
“I’m going through with this.”
By now they are near the door. Bridget, her matron of honor and Tasha her maid of honor were walking down the aisle. She looked at Bradford. He looped his arm through hers. The wedding coordinator handed her a beautiful bouquet of flowers willed with lilac and other flowers. A local recording artist sang a song as her and Bradford rounded the corner and entered the room.
She tried her best to focus on the end of the walkway and not look to her side to see all of the people who had come to see her and Blake tie the knot. She heard a few grasps acknowledging how beautiful she looked. She hoped she didn’t slip and fall because she could feel the four inch Cinderella shoes slipping. Funny, how last night when they rehearsed, the walkway didn’t seem to be this long.
Blake stood at the end wearing a white tuxedo and lilac vest. The smile on his face put her at ease. Bradford placed her hand in Blake's and said, “I’m entrusting you to take care of my sister.”
Bradford then left and took his seat on the first bench, sitting by Matt and her aunt and uncle. Her hands shook as she walked with Blake to stand in front of the minister. The minister prayed.
Caitlyn said a silent prayer. Lord, please forgive me for taking these vows in vain. I do love Blake and although he says he cares about me, I want him to love me. I want this marriage to be real. I hope you’ll forgive me.
She rehearsed her lines all morning, but now as she stood in front of Blake, the minister and all of these people, she couldn’t remember a word. Everyone waited on her to talk. She cleared her throat before speaking. “Blake, our meeting wasn’t coincidental, it was destiny. I never thought we would be here at this moment and time, exchanging wedding vows, but we are. I confess my love for you in front of our family and friends.”
She was glad the veil hid some of her facial expressions. She continued to say, “I promise to live up to the agreement as your wife. Blake Banks, I love you and will spend the rest of our time together showing you how much.”